We’re looking for active, retired and honorably discharged Marines, FMF Corpsmen or FMF Navy Chaplain and associate members to join our ranks!
The Marine Corps League Auxiliary was chartered on September 4, 1937 as a subsidiary organization of the Marine Corps League. The Auxiliary was formed: To Preserve the traditions and promote the interests of the United States Marine Corps; To maintain true allegiance to American institutions; To hold sacred the history and memory of the men and women who have given their lives to this Nation; To perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts, to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines; To create a bond of comradeship between the Auxiliary and the Marine Corps League; To aid voluntarily and to render assistance to all Marines and former Marines as well as to their families; To help decorate the graves of all deceased Marines whenever and wherever possible.
If you served honorably in the United States Marine Corps or any other branch of the military and still care about the other Veterans out there! Contact us below to become friends and see if we can't make this world a better place.
Copyright © 2024 Marine Corps League Tri-State Marine Detachment #494- All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: “The Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem and the name Marine Corps® are registered trademarks of the USMC. The Marine Corps League and its subordinate organizations support the USMC and its veterans, however it is not officially connected to or endorsed by the USMC, and the name and emblem are used with permission.”